Wanna be a knight in shining armour? Then this is for you! #iamknight

Every designer has his/her own pet issue, hobby, favourite pastime, whatever you want to call it. And some apparently have a thing for knights. Maybe they’ve watched or read too many stories on King Arthur’s Round Table, fascinated by their quest for the Holy Grail. Or they are into history and the Crusades. Or they just love Renaissance Fairs.

Whatever the reason for Iamknight to get the idea, they did a great job at making an armoured knight hoodie, didn’t they?

If you have any ambitions as a modern urban knight and want to catch (certain) people’s attention, this is definitely the ideal eye-catcher, jaw-dropper, head-turner. It even looks like it’ll keep you warm on a cool summer’s (k)night.

This is the closest thing to being an urban knight!

This is the closest thing to being an urban knight!

And as for the „knight in shining armour“ bit: just rent a horse, preferably an athletic grey, and you’re all set for a romantic episode!

PS: I tried to somehow make a clever mention of Knight Rider. Didn’t work. Sorry, David!

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